Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Resources Page

Illustration of outlines of peoples' faces in various colors.

Last updated: February 11, 2025

Background: In the 2024 ADFM Annual Survey, 47% of department chairs who responded indicated that they had faculty interested in mentorship in DEI. In response to these findings, the ADFM DEI Committee and ADFM DEI Leaders Group compiled the resources listed on this webpage. We recognizes this is not an exhaustive list. 

Learn more about the ADFM DEI Committee and the other 5 ADFM Strategic Committees. As part of its SMARTIE goals for 2023 - 2026, the ADFM DEI Committee will continue to find ways to build up, support and sustain the DEI leaders group.

The DEI Leaders Group: The DEI Leaders group is comprised of DEI Vice Chairs, Directors or equivalent along with Department Chairs and other faculty engaged in DEI initiatives within their department and beyond.

Quarterly Meetings: These are 60 to 90-minute meetings that offer a great opportunity for DEI Directors and Chair dyads to join an informal discussion and collaborate across departments on current DEI related topics. Department chairs are encouraged to share this opportunity with their DEI director (or equivalent). We will release more information on the topics for these dates as they get nearer. Reach out for details on our upcoming meetings.

Check back in for more details on future meetings!

DEI Leaders Listserv: Consider joining the DEI Leaders listserv and connect with DEI leaders across the country to learn about upcoming meetings and share related updates and resources. Note you do have to be a member of ADFM, NAPCRG, or STFM to access. 

Present at these meetings: Members of the Quarterly ADFM DEI Leaders meeting are interested in pulling together a list of potential speakers who would be interested in presenting at their quarterly meetings. This is a great opportunity to boost your CV and share your work and expertise!

Complete the ADFM DEI Leaders Meeting Speak Form Today!