Building Research Capacity Fellowship

Purpose of Fellowship

To equip individuals with the knowledge, leadership skills, mentorship, and peer support to develop and implement a strategic plan for building research capacity within their own programs, departments, or institutions.

Qualifications of fellows

Those who want to build research/scholarship in their institutions—which requires skills in leadership, research organization, and faculty development. Candidates have been asked to be a change agent for building their organization’s capacity for producing scholarly activity. The fellow’s organization should support development of that capability, including supporting the development of a strategic plan as a product of the BRC Fellowship. Fellows might be chairs, aspiring chairs, research directors, research change agents in a residency program, administrators or others charged with making change in the organization.


The Building Research Capacity (BRC) Fellowship has 3 aims:


Provide coaching support to build research and scholarship capacity within a program or institution


Develop a peer support/network among other individuals or teams trying to build research capacity

Strategic Planning

Create a strategic plan for research and scholarship within their home program/institution

The fellowship and my organization's interest in building research capacity have complemented each other perfectly and their alignment provide strength to effect change and improvements. The timing of the fellowship has felt like a real asset and catalyst to change/improvement at my organization thus far.

BRC Fellowship Graduate

Fellowship Details